Visual processing throughout the visual field | doi |
Two frontiers in morphological image analysis: differential evolution... | doi |
Modeling and analysing computer animations | doi |
Binary filter estimation for large windows | doi |
Levelings and morphological segmentation | doi |
Three-dimensional reconstruction from a set of video cameras of... | doi |
Three-dimensional reconstruction and visualization of tomographic images... | doi |
Accuracy assessment of a photogrammetric close-range reconstruction... | doi |
Reconstructing a 3D model from range images using radial flow model | doi |
A technique for improvement of linear attenuation coefficient maps... | doi |
A unified geometric model for 3D confocal image analysis in cytology | doi |
Error measures in greedy insertion simplification methods | doi |
An algorithm for intersecting and trimming parametric meshes | doi |
Stroking discrete polynomial Bezier curves via point containment... | doi |
A constraint-based algorithm for engineering design | doi |
Cache management for real time visualization of 2D data sets | doi |
Virtual seismic interpretation | doi |
Towards perception driven visualization | doi |
A holographic visualization system: a sequel | doi |
Visualization of geological prospecting data | doi |
Sonification to support visualization tasks | doi |
Load balancing for distributed virtual reality systems | doi |
Image coding using irregular subsampling and Delaunay triangulation | doi |
Image compression based on a multipoint Taylor series representation | doi |
Directional interpolation pyramids for still image compression | doi |
A system's architecture for warping and morphing of graphical objects | doi |
Interface: a real time facial animation system | doi |
Real time video distribution using publication through a database | doi |
A general specification for scene animation | doi |
Efficient asynchronous evolution of physical simulations | doi |
Space-variant representation for active object recognition | doi |
Rule-based classification procedures related to the unprecisely... | doi |
Evolving visual features and detectors | doi |
ECIR-an electronic circuit diagram image recognizer | doi |
A graph-anisotropic approach to 3-D data segmentation | doi |
A system for automatic extraction of the user-entered data from... | doi |
Biased clustering methods for image classification | doi |
Computer vision-based navigation for autonomous blimps | doi |
Automatic absolute orientation of scanned aerial photographs | doi |
Adaptive speckle MAP filtering for SAR images using statistical clustering | doi |
Human frequency response functions of harmonic 2, 4, 8 and 16 cycle... | doi |
Density estimation for MR image elastic matching | doi |
Comparison of different source localization methods | doi |
An approach to physiologically meaningful distributed inverse solutions... | doi |
Estimating vanishing point from the angular correlation of spectral... | doi |
Texturing composite deformable implicit objects | doi |
On the efficacy of texture analysis for crowd monitoring | doi |
Automatic feature selection for biological shape classification in /spl... | doi |
Comparing the influence of color spaces and metrics in content-based... | doi |
Towards optimal ranking metrics | doi |
Image-based modeling using a two-step camera calibration method | doi |
Distortion correction for digital cameras | doi |
Evaluation of three-dimensional reconstructions from arbitrary images | doi |
Optimized block based disparity estimation in stereo systems using a... | doi |
A control architecture for multi-modal sensory integration | doi |
Pipeline stereo matching in binary images | doi |
Morphological algorithms for color images based on a... | doi |
An extension of an algorithm for finding sequential decomposition of... | doi |
Translation invariant transformations of discrete random sets | doi |
Morphological approach of handwritten word skew correction | doi |
Straight-line removal in boron carbide microscopic images | doi |
Morphological image segmentation applied to video quality assessment | doi |
Bi-variate pattern spectrum | doi |