31/10/06 19:42 31/10/06 19:57 31/10/06 19:58 31/10/06 19:59 31/10/06 20:00 16/09/10 23:42 CreateTclPage (first substitution): expected integer but got "" while executing "lsort -index 5 -integer $searchResultList" invoked from within "if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] { # the search expression has a syntax error if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)] {..." (procedure "CreateOutput" line 170) invoked from within "CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query $query2String $option {} 0 $maximuNumberOfEntries $cgi(choice) $header $excludedFields $lo..." (procedure "GetSearchResult" line 32) invoked from within "GetSearchResult $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $sort $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $outputFormat {} $siteList $page $linkType $..." (procedure "DisplaySearch" line 31) invoked from within "DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sor..." invoked from within "subst { Sumário do Worcap III Sumário do Worcap III



[DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat]
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 16/09/10 23:47 CreateTclPage (first substitution): expected integer but got "" while executing "lsort -index 5 -integer $searchResultList" invoked from within "if [regexp "^\{<(.*)>\}$" $searchResultList m errorMessage] { # the search expression has a syntax error if $header { if [info exists cgi(query)] {..." (procedure "CreateOutput" line 170) invoked from within "CreateOutput $language $languageRep1 $languageRep2 $query $query2String $option {} 0 $maximuNumberOfEntries $cgi(choice) $header $excludedFields $lo..." (procedure "GetSearchResult" line 32) invoked from within "GetSearchResult $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $sort $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $outputFormat {} $siteList $page $linkType $..." (procedure "DisplaySearch" line 31) invoked from within "DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sor..." invoked from within "subst { Sumário do Worcap III Sumário do Worcap III



[DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat]
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 28/09/10 17:00 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "fieldName": no such variable while executing "DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldName" invoked from within "foreach {i theme} [DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldName] { lappend shortCutList "[format %02i $i]  $theme..." invoked from within "subst { Sumário dos Anais do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto (XIV SBSR) Natal 2009 Sumário dos Anais do XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto (XIV SBSR) Natal 2009

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XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR
Natal - RN, 25-30 de abril de 2009

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[foreach {i theme} [DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldName] { lappend shortCutList "[format %02i $i]  $theme" }] \n
[join $shortCutList

[DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat]

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/10/11 23:34 10/10/11 23:34 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "fieldName": no such variable while executing "DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldName" invoked from within "foreach {i theme} [DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldName] { lappend shortCutList "[format %02i $i..." invoked from within "subst { X Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP X Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP

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X Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP
São José dos Campos - SP, 20 e 21 de Outubro de 2010

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[ foreach {i theme} [DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldName] { lappend shortCutList "[format %02i $i] $theme" } ] \n
[join $shortCutList

[DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat]
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 10/10/11 23:55 10/10/11 23:55 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "pathcss": no such variable while executing "subst $title" invoked from within "if $displayEverything { regexp {^.} $fieldValue3 firstLetter if [info exists accentTable2($firstLetter)] {set firstLetter $accentTable2($first..." ("foreach" body line 15) invoked from within "foreach fieldValue $fieldValueList { regsub -all { and | or } $fieldValue { } fieldValue2 ;# 'and' & 'or' must not be part of the field value re..." invoked from within "if $test { # a test # set output2 $fieldValueList regsub -all {\s} $siteList {+} siteList2 if ![info exists cgi(codedpassword1)] {set cgi(codedpa..." (procedure "DisplayMultipleSearch" line 48) invoked from within "DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldName $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title {} $targetValue $so..." invoked from within "subst { X Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP X Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP

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X Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP
São José dos Campos - SP, 20 e 21 de Outubro de 2010

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Link para os Temas no Sumário:

[ foreach {i theme} [DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldName] { lappend shortCutList "[format %02i $i] $theme" } ] \n
[join $shortCutList

[DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldName $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title {} $targetValue $sort]
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 14/10/11 13:52 14/10/11 13:52 CreateTclPage (first substitution): extra characters after close-quote while executing "subst { XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP

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XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP
São José dos Campos - SP, 8 a 10 de novembro de 2011

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[join $shortCutList

--> DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat -->
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 14/10/11 13:54 14/10/11 13:54 CreateTclPage (first substitution): extra characters after close-quote while executing "subst { XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP

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XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP
São José dos Campos - SP, 8 a 10 de novembro de 2011

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Exemplo para Referenciar um Artigo
##join $shortCutList

--> [DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat] -->
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 14/10/11 13:57 14/10/11 13:57 CreateTclPage (first substitution): extra characters after close-quote while executing "subst { XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP

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XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP
São José dos Campos - SP, 8 a 10 de novembro de 2011

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Exemplo para Referenciar um Artigo
##join $shortCutList

--> [DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat] -->
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 14/10/11 14:02 14/10/11 14:02 CreateTclPage (first substitution): invalid command name "------------------------------------------------------------------------" while executing "------------------------------------------------------------------------" invoked from within "subst { XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP

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XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP
São José dos Campos - SP, 8 a 10 de novembro de 2011

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Exemplo para Referenciar um Artigo
##join $shortCutList

--> [DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat] -->
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 14/10/11 14:04 14/10/11 14:04 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "fieldName": no such variable while executing "subst { XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP

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XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP
São José dos Campos - SP, 8 a 10 de novembro de 2011

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Exemplo para Referenciar um Artigo
##join $shortCutList

--> [DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat] -->
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 14/10/11 14:05 14/10/11 14:05 CreateTclPage (first substitution): can't read "i": no such variable while executing "subst { XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP

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XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP
São José dos Campos - SP, 8 a 10 de novembro de 2011

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Exemplo para Referenciar um Artigo
##join $shortCutList

--> [DisplaySearch $searchExpression $accent $case $choice $title $excludedFields $localSearch $numbering $siteList $page $linkType $displayEverything $sort $outputFormat] -->
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 14/10/11 14:06 14/10/11 14:06 CreateTclPage (second substitution): can't read "i": no such variable while executing "subst { XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP

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XI Workshop dos Cursos de Computação Aplicada do INPE - WORCAP
São José dos Campos - SP, 8 a 10 de novembro de 2011

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   #!#format %i $i#@#  $fieldValue2

Surface fire spread model based on stochastic cellular automata
Almeida, R. M.; Macau, E. E. N.

while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $writeUserCodedPassword" 15/12/11 12:58 15/12/11 13:04 15/12/11 13:09 15/12/11 13:13 15/12/11 13:13 15/12/11 13:31 15/12/11 13:33 15/12/11 13:51 15/12/11 13:53 15/12/11 13:55 15/12/11 14:01 15/12/11 14:03 15/12/11 14:04 15/12/11 14:06 17/12/11 01:29 17/12/11 01:31 30/04/12 13:01 30/04/12 13:04 30/04/12 13:05 30/04/12 13:09 08/05/12 13:24 29/06/12 23:09 29/06/12 23:31 29/06/12 23:34 29/06/12 23:39 29/06/12 23:40 29/06/12 23:41 29/06/12 23:45 30/06/12 00:48 30/06/12 00:49 30/06/12 00:50 30/06/12 00:50 30/06/12 00:51 30/06/12 00:51 30/06/12 00:52 30/06/12 00:56 30/06/12 00:56 30/06/12 00:56 30/06/12 00:58 30/06/12 00:59 30/06/12 01:00 30/06/12 01:01 30/06/12 14:49 30/06/12 15:56 30/06/12 15:57 30/06/12 16:05 30/06/12 16:07 30/06/12 16:08 30/06/12 16:08 30/06/12 16:08 30/06/12 16:09 30/06/12 16:09 30/06/12 16:11 30/06/12 16:12 30/06/12 16:13 30/06/12 16:14 30/06/12 16:15 30/06/12 16:16 30/06/12 16:16 30/06/12 16:17 30/06/12 16:20 30/06/12 16:21 30/06/12 16:21 30/06/12 16:21 30/06/12 16:23 30/06/12 16:23 30/06/12 16:29 30/06/12 16:31 30/06/12 16:50 30/06/12 17:03 30/06/12 17:05 30/06/12 17:06 30/06/12 17:08 30/06/12 17:09 30/06/12 17:11 30/06/12 17:14 30/06/12 18:29 30/06/12 18:30 30/06/12 18:38 30/06/12 18:38 30/06/12 18:48 30/06/12 19:20 30/06/12 19:28 30/06/12 19:35 30/06/12 19:37 30/06/12 19:38 30/06/12 19:39 30/06/12 21:15 30/06/12 21:16 30/06/12 21:18 30/06/12 21:18 30/06/12 21:19 30/06/12 21:19 30/06/12 21:20 30/06/12 21:20 30/06/12 22:44 30/06/12 22:48 30/06/12 23:11 03/07/12 09:55 09/07/12 12:36 09/07/12 12:48 09/07/12 12:49 09/07/12 12:58 09/07/12 13:51 09/07/12 13:52 09/07/12 13:53 09/07/12 13:53 09/07/12 13:55 09/07/12 13:57 09/07/12 14:09 09/07/12 14:12 09/07/12 14:15 09/07/12 14:16 09/07/12 14:21 09/07/12 14:22 09/07/12 14:23 09/07/12 14:24 09/07/12 14:28 09/07/12 14:29 09/07/12 14:32 09/07/12 14:32 09/07/12 14:33 09/07/12 14:35 09/07/12 15:09 09/07/12 15:16 09/07/12 15:23 09/07/12 15:27 09/07/12 15:36 09/07/12 15:37 09/07/12 15:37 09/07/12 15:40 09/07/12 15:42 09/07/12 15:43 09/07/12 15:47 09/07/12 15:50 09/07/12 15:50 09/07/12 15:51 09/07/12 15:52 09/07/12 15:52 09/07/12 15:53 09/07/12 15:58 09/07/12 15:58 09/07/12 16:02 09/07/12 16:02 09/07/12 16:07 09/07/12 16:07 09/07/12 16:10 09/07/12 16:22 09/07/12 16:24 11/07/12 13:02 11/07/12 13:04 11/07/12 13:28 11/07/12 13:29 31/07/12 14:39 31/07/12 14:40 19/09/12 15:47 19/09/12 20:50 19/09/12 22:08 20/09/12 09:49 20/09/12 09:52 20/09/12 09:53 20/09/12 09:57 20/09/12 10:23 20/09/12 10:57 20/09/12 11:13 20/09/12 11:14 20/09/12 12:23 20/09/12 12:26 21/09/12 14:17 21/09/12 14:21 24/09/12 14:12 24/09/12 17:47 24/09/12 17:47 17/10/12 11:30 17/10/12 11:32 17/10/12 11:34 30/10/12 10:55 30/10/12 11:10 30/10/12 11:40 30/10/12 11:41 30/11/12 09:52 30/11/12 15:41 26/05/18 13:05 26/05/18 13:05 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: StoreProgress 5% {} errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: host is unreachable (Name or service not known) while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $clientServerAddressWithIP [list StoreProgress $progress $progressKey] 0" invoked from within "if [string equal {} $writeUserCodedPassword] { # Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list StoreProgress $progress $progressKey] 0 Execute $clientSe..." invoked from within "if $displayEverything { # set xxx --$fieldValue3-- # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt binary 0 a ;# safeFlag must be 0 (see utilities1.tcl) regexp {^.} $f..." ("foreach" body line 27) invoked from within "foreach fieldValue $fieldValueList { regsub -all { and | or } $fieldValue { } fieldValue2 ;# 'and' & 'or' must not be part of the field value re..." invoked from within "if $test { # a test # set output2 $fieldValueList set unifyingOrSettingFlag [expr ![string equal {} $attributeList] || ![string equal {} $mappingD..." (procedure "DisplayMultipleSearch" line 48) invoked from within "DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldNameList $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title $letter $target..." invoked from within "subst { Sumário dos Anais do SIBGRAPI 2 Sumário dos Anais do SIBGRAPI 2

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Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, 2.

Águas de Lindóia - SP, 26 a 28 de abril de 1989

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Exemplo para Referenciar um Artigo
Apontadores para os temas do sumário:

[ foreach {i theme} [DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldNameList] { lappend shortCutList "[format %02i $i] $theme" } ] \n
[ join $shortCutList

[DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldNameList $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title $letter $targetValue $sortedFieldName $outputFormat $mirrorRep $referenceType $year $mappingDomainName $attributeList $nameFormat $nameSeparator $latexOptionList $secondSearchExpression $minimumNumberOfSearchResultToDisplay $command $imageFlag]
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 26/05/18 15:09 26/05/18 15:09 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: StoreProgress 5% {} errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: host is unreachable (Name or service not known) while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $clientServerAddressWithIP [list StoreProgress $progress $progressKey] 0" invoked from within "if [string equal {} $writeUserCodedPassword] { # Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list StoreProgress $progress $progressKey] 0 Execute $clientSe..." invoked from within "if $displayEverything { # set xxx --$fieldValue3-- # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt binary 0 a ;# safeFlag must be 0 (see utilities1.tcl) regexp {^.} $f..." ("foreach" body line 27) invoked from within "foreach fieldValue $fieldValueList { regsub -all { and | or } $fieldValue { } fieldValue2 ;# 'and' & 'or' must not be part of the field value re..." invoked from within "if $test { # a test # set output2 $fieldValueList set unifyingOrSettingFlag [expr ![string equal {} $attributeList] || ![string equal {} $mappingD..." (procedure "DisplayMultipleSearch" line 48) invoked from within "DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldNameList $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title $letter $target..." invoked from within "subst { Sumário dos Anais do SIBGRAPI 2 Sumário dos Anais do SIBGRAPI 2

Gerado Automaticamente pelo URLibService


Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, 2.

Águas de Lindóia - SP, 26 a 28 de abril de 1989

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Índice por Autor
Exemplo para Referenciar um Artigo
Apontadores para os temas do sumário:

[ foreach {i theme} [DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldNameList] { lappend shortCutList "[format %02i $i] $theme" } ] \n
[ join $shortCutList

[DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldNameList $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title $letter $targetValue $sortedFieldName $outputFormat $mirrorRep $referenceType $year $mappingDomainName $attributeList $nameFormat $nameSeparator $latexOptionList $secondSearchExpression $minimumNumberOfSearchResultToDisplay $command $imageFlag]
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 08/08/18 09:20 08/08/18 09:20 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: StoreProgress 5% {} errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: host is unreachable (Name or service not known) while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $clientServerAddressWithIP [list StoreProgress $progress $progressKey] 0" invoked from within "if [string equal {} $writeUserCodedPassword] { # Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list StoreProgress $progress $progressKey] 0 Execute $clientSe..." invoked from within "if $displayEverything { # set xxx --$fieldValue3-- # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt binary 0 a ;# safeFlag must be 0 (see utilities1.tcl) regexp {^.} $f..." ("foreach" body line 27) invoked from within "foreach fieldValue $fieldValueList { regsub -all { and | or } $fieldValue { } fieldValue2 ;# 'and' & 'or' must not be part of the field value re..." invoked from within "if $test { # a test # set output2 $fieldValueList set unifyingOrSettingFlag [expr ![string equal {} $attributeList] || ![string equal {} $mappingD..." (procedure "DisplayMultipleSearch" line 48) invoked from within "DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldNameList $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title $letter $target..." invoked from within "subst { Sumário dos Anais do SIBGRAPI 2 Sumário dos Anais do SIBGRAPI 2

Gerado Automaticamente pelo URLibService


Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, 2.

Águas de Lindóia - SP, 26 a 28 de abril de 1989

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Comissões Organizadora e Científica
Índice por Autor
Exemplo para Referenciar um Artigo
Apontadores para os temas do sumário:

[ foreach {i theme} [DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldNameList] { lappend shortCutList "[format %02i $i] $theme" } ] \n
[ join $shortCutList

[DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldNameList $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title $letter $targetValue $sortedFieldName $outputFormat $mirrorRep $referenceType $year $mappingDomainName $attributeList $nameFormat $nameSeparator $latexOptionList $secondSearchExpression $minimumNumberOfSearchResultToDisplay $command $imageFlag]
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 11/11/18 14:04 11/11/18 14:04 CreateTclPage (first substitution): Execute (3): communication with server [ 800] doesn't start (using async value 0) while trying to execute the command: StoreProgress 5% {} errorInfo: --StartCommunication: communication with server [ 800] doesn't start: --couldn't open socket: host is unreachable (Name or service not known) while executing "socket $host $port"-- invoked from within "StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName"-- while executing "error "Execute (3): communication with server \[$serverName $urlibPort\] doesn't start (using async value $async2) while trying to execute the command..." invoked from within "if [catch {StartCommunication $serverName $urlibPort $async2 $encodingName} localURLibClientSocketId] { # puts OK- # puts --$localURLibClientSocketId-..." (procedure "Execute" line 43) invoked from within "Execute $clientServerAddressWithIP [list StoreProgress $progress $progressKey] 0" invoked from within "if [string equal {} $writeUserCodedPassword] { # Execute $serverAddressWithIP [list StoreProgress $progress $progressKey] 0 Execute $clientSe..." invoked from within "if $displayEverything { # set xxx --$fieldValue3-- # Store xxx C:/tmp/bbb.txt binary 0 a ;# safeFlag must be 0 (see utilities1.tcl) regexp {^.} $f..." ("foreach" body line 27) invoked from within "foreach fieldValue $fieldValueList { regsub -all { and | or } $fieldValue { } fieldValue2 ;# 'and' & 'or' must not be part of the field value re..." invoked from within "if $test { # a test # set output2 $fieldValueList set unifyingOrSettingFlag [expr ![string equal {} $attributeList] || ![string equal {} $mappingD..." (procedure "DisplayMultipleSearch" line 48) invoked from within "DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldNameList $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title $letter $target..." invoked from within "subst { Sumário dos Anais do SIBGRAPI 2 Sumário dos Anais do SIBGRAPI 2

Gerado Automaticamente pelo URLibService


Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Gráfica e Processamento de Imagens, 2.

Águas de Lindóia - SP, 26 a 28 de abril de 1989

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[ foreach {i theme} [DisplayShortCut $searchExpression $accent $case $siteList $fieldNameList] { lappend shortCutList "[format %02i $i] $theme" } ] \n
[ join $shortCutList

[DisplayMultipleSearch $searchExpression $fieldNameList $accent $case $siteList $page $choice $linkType $displayEverything $test $title $letter $targetValue $sortedFieldName $outputFormat $mirrorRep $referenceType $year $mappingDomainName $attributeList $nameFormat $nameSeparator $latexOptionList $secondSearchExpression $minimumNumberOfSearchResultToDisplay $command $imageFlag]
while executing "CreateTclPage $thisRepository $fileContent $language $languageRep2 $path $targetFileAbsolutePath $filePath $writeUserCodedPassword" 15/06/22 16:51 15/06/22 17:02 17/06/22 12:06 17/06/22 12:06 17/06/22 16:23 17/06/22 16:23 09/07/22 20:23 11/07/22 00:46