Search Result
The search expression was < segmentation supervised learning:video segmentation supervised learning:>.
2 similar references found (including the original one).
Search local date and time: 20/09/2024 07:19.
id 6qtX3pFwXQZG2LgkFdY/LPfUC    Conference Paper    (1.00)    -m-
Cámara Chávez, G., et al. :2006:
Video Segmentation by Supervised Learning
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (208 KiB) statisticsaccessdownload
id 8JMKD3MGPEW34M/3U2N2QH    Conference Paper    (0.43)    -m-
Santos, D. F. S., et al. :2019:
Video Segmentation Learning Using Cascade Residual Convolutional Neural Network
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URL <> (918 KiB) statisticsaccessdownloadupdate