Search Result
The search expression was < action human multilevel:human action identification videos using descriptor autonomous fragments multilevel prediction:>.
2 similar references found (including the original one).
Search local date and time: 26/04/2024 07:04.
id 8JMKD3MGPAW/3M92PCE    Conference Paper    (1.00)    -m-
Alcantara, M. F. & Pedrini, H. :2016:
Human Action Identification in Videos using Descriptor with Autonomous Fragments and Multilevel Prediction
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (1145 KiB) statisticsaccessdownload
id 8JMKD3MGPAW/3RQE3SH    Conference Paper    (0.20)    -m-
Cardenas, E. J. E. :2018:
Multimodal Human Action Recognition Based on a Fusion of Dynamic Images using CNN descriptors
metadata (BibTeXReferHow to cite?XMLxreferoai_dcCover)
URL <> (2214 KiB) statisticsaccessdownload