
1. Identity statement
Reference TypeConference Paper (Conference Proceedings)
Holder Codeibi 8JMKD3MGPEW34M/46T9EHH
Last Update1998: (UTC) administrator
Metadata Last Update2022: (UTC) administrator
Citation KeyCarneiroGattLevyRuss:1997:MoInIn
TitleInteract: um modelo de interação para interfaces 2D por manipulação direta
Access Date2025, Feb. 05
Number of Files1
Size565 KiB
2. Context
Author1 Carneiro, Marcelo Medeiros
2 Gattass, Marcelo
3 Levy, Carlos Henrique
4 Russo, Enio Emanuel Ramos
EditorFigueiredo, Luiz Henrique de
Netto, Marcio Lobo
Conference NameBrazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 10 (SIBGRAPI)
Conference LocationCampos de Jordão, SP, Brazil
DateOct. 1997
PublisherSociedade Brasileira de Computação
Publisher CityPorto Alegre
Book TitleProceedings
OrganizationSBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computação; USP - Universidade de São Paulo
History (UTC)2008-07-17 14:17:58 :: administrator -> banon ::
2008-08-26 15:26:29 :: banon -> administrator ::
2009-08-13 20:36:12 :: administrator -> banon ::
2010-08-28 20:04:53 :: banon -> administrator ::
2022-05-18 22:23:09 :: administrator -> :: 1997
3. Content and structure
Is the master or a copy?is the master
Content Stagecompleted
Keywordscomputer graphics
user interface
interaction tasks
direct manipulation
AbstractWe discuss interaction techniques in systems based on direct manipulation of the objects in the canvases and proposes a model to manager such interactions. This model reduces the programming effort by providing an appropriate abstraction of the interaction tasks. A class library that implements these abstractions is also presented. Two application programs developed with this class library allow us to draw some conclusions. > SDLA > Fonds > SIBGRAPI 1997 > Interact: um modelo...
doc Directory Contentaccess
source Directory Contentthere are no files
agreement Directory Contentthere are no files
4. Conditions of access and use
data URL
zipped data URL
Target Fileart35.pdf
User Groupadministrator
5. Allied materials
Next Higher Units8JMKD3MGPEW34M/46RL7SS
Citing Item 47 3
6. Notes
NotesThe conference was held in Campos de Jordão, SP, Brazil, from October 13 to 16.
Empty Fieldsaffiliation archivingpolicy archivist area callnumber contenttype copyholder copyright creatorhistory descriptionlevel dissemination documentstage doi e-mailaddress edition electronicmailaddress format group isbn issn label language lineage mark mirrorrepository nextedition numberofvolumes orcid pages parameterlist parentrepositories previousedition previouslowerunit progress project readergroup readpermission resumeid rightsholder schedulinginformation secondarydate secondarykey secondarymark secondarytype serieseditor session shorttitle sponsor subject tertiarymark tertiarytype type url versiontype volume
