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Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 25 (SIBGRAPI)


Freitas, C. M. D. S., et al.

22-25 Aug. 2012

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Full Papers (45)

Representing and Manipulating Mesh-based Character Animations
Aguiar, E.; Ukita, N.

2012 - How to cite?

ESQ: Editable SQuad representation for triangle meshes
Aleardi, L. C.; Devillers, O.; Rossignac, J.

2012 - How to cite?

Supervised Learning Using Local Analysis in an Optimal-Path Forest
Amorim, W. P.; Carvalho, M. H.

2012 - How to cite?

Solving Image Puzzles with a Simple Quadratic Programming Formulation
Andaló, F. A.; Taubin, G.; Goldenstein, S.

2012 - How to cite?

Unraveling the Compromise Between Skull Stripping and Inhomogeneity Correction in 3T MR Images
Cappabianco, F. A. M.; Miranda, P. A. V.; Ide, J. S.; Yasuda, C. L.; Falcão, A. X.

2012 - How to cite?

Fluid Simulation on Surfaces in the GPU
Carvalho, L.; Andrade, M.; Velho, L. C. P. R.

2012 - How to cite?

Colorization by Multidimensional Projection
Casaca, W.; Gomez-Nieto, E.; Ferreira, C. O. L.; Tavares, G.; Pagliosa, P.; Paulovich, F.; Nonato, L. G.; Paiva, A.

2012 - How to cite?

Invariance for Single Curved Manifold
Castro, P. M. M.

2012 - How to cite?

3D Triangulations for Industrial Applications
Cavalcanti, P. R.; Atencio, Y. P.; Esperança, C.; Nascimento, F. P.

2012 - How to cite?

Computing gender difference using Fisher-Rao metric from facial surface normals
Ceolin, S. R.; Hancock, E. R.

2012 - How to cite?

Open Set Source Camera Attribution
Costa, F. O.; Eckmann, M.; Scheirer, W. J.; Rocha, A.

2012 - How to cite?

An Efficient Algorithm for Fractal Analysis of Textures
Costa, A. F.; Humpire-Mamani, G.; Traina, A. J. M.

2012 - How to cite?

Segmentation of Large Images with Complex Networks
Cuadros, O.; Botelho, G. M.; Rodrigues, F.; Batista Neto, J. E. S.

2012 - How to cite?

A mixture of two gender classification experts
El-Din, Y. S.; Moustafa, M. N.; Mahdi, H.

2012 - How to cite?

Searching for People through Textual and Visual Attributes
Fabian, J.; Pires, R.; Rocha, A.

2012 - How to cite?

Automatic Classifier Fusion for Produce Recognition
Faria, F. A.; Santos, J. A.; Rocha, A.; Torres, R. S.

2012 - How to cite?

Ambient occlusion using cone tracing with scene voxelization
Favera, E. C. D.; Celes, W.

2012 - How to cite?

Error Concealment Using a Halftone Watermarking Technique
Freita, P. G.; Rigoni, R.; Farias, M. C. Q.; Araújo, A. P. F.

2012 - How to cite?

Robust patch-based pedestrian tracking using monocular calibrated cameras
Führ, G.; Jung, C. R.

2012 - How to cite?

Multi-Modal Acoustic Echo Canceller for Video Conferencing Systems
Gazziro, M. A.; Almeida, G.; Matias, P.; Tanaka, H.; Minami, S.

2012 - How to cite?

Real time Interactive Image Segmentation Using User Indicated Real-world Seeds
Gomes, R. B.; Aroca, R. V.; Carvalho, B. M.; Gonçalves, L. M. G.

2012 - How to cite?

Vehicle Detection using Mixture of Deformable Parts Models: Static and Dynamic Camera
León, L. M. C.; Hirata Junior, R.

2012 - How to cite?

Histogram Uniformization for Digital Image Encryption
Lima, J. B.; Campello de Souza, R. M.

2012 - How to cite?

Efficient HPR-based Rendering of Point Clouds
Machado e Silva, R.; Esperança, C.; Oliveira, A.

2012 - How to cite?

Improving Image Classification Through Descriptor Combination
Mansano, A. F.; Matsuoka, J. A.; Afonso, L. C. S.; Papa, J. P.; Faria, F.; Torres, R. S.

2012 - How to cite?

Memory-Efficient Order-Independent Transparency with Dynamic Fragment Buffer
Maule, M.; Comba, J. L. D.; Torchelsen, R.; Bastos, R.

2012 - How to cite?

Structural Analysis of Histological Images to Aid Diagnosis of Cervical Cancer
Miranda, G. H. B.; Barrera, J.; Soares, E. G.; Felipe, J. C.

2012 - How to cite?

Real-time gesture recognition from depth data through key poses learning and decision forests
Miranda, L.; Vieira, T.; Martinez, D.; Lewiner, T.; Vieira, A. W.; Campos, M. F. M.

2012 - How to cite?

Automatic tracking of indoor soccer players using videos from multiple cameras
Morais, E. F.; Goldenstein, S.; Ferreira, A.; Rocha, A.

2012 - How to cite?

A tensor based on optical flow for global description of motion in videos
Mota, V. F.; Perez, E. A.; Vieira, M. B.; Maciel, L. M.; Precioso, F.; Gosselin, P.-H.

2012 - How to cite?

BBA: A Binary Bat Algorithm for Feature Selection
Nakamura, R. Y. M.; Pereira, L. A. M.; Costa, K. A. P.; Rodrigues, D.; Papa, J. P.; Yang, X.-S.

2012 - How to cite?

Appearance and Geometry Fusion for Enhanced Dense 3D Alignment
Nascimento, E. R.; Schwartz, W. R.; Oliveira, G. L.; Vieira, A. W.; Campos, M. F. M.; Mesquita, D. B.

2012 - How to cite?

Rapid visualization of geological concepts
Natali, M.; Viola, I.; Patel, D.

2012 - How to cite?

Approximating implicit curves on triangulations with affine arithmetic
Paiva, A.; Nascimento, F. C.; Figueiredo, L. H.; Stolfi, J.

2012 - How to cite?

Video-Based Face Spoofing Detection through Visual Rhythm Analysis
Pinto, A. S.; Pedrini, H.; Schwartz, W. R.; Rocha, A.

2012 - How to cite?

Retinal Image Quality Analysis for Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Detection
Pires, R.; Jelinek, H. F.; Wainer, J.; Rocha, A.

2012 - How to cite?

Texture Synthesis of Contrasting Natural Patterns
Queiroz, F.; Walter, M.

2012 - How to cite?

Enhanced Target Driven Smoke Morphing
Renhe, M. C.; Oliveira, A.; Esperança, C.; Marroquim, R.

2012 - How to cite?

Contextual filtering of CT images using Markovian Wiener filters with a Non Local Means approach for statistical estimation
Salvadeo, D. H. P.; Mascarenhas, N. D.; Levada, A. L. M.

2012 - How to cite?

Multi-Scale Spectral Residual Analysis to Speed up Image Object Detection
Silva Filho, J. G.; Schnitman, L.; Oliveira, L. R.

2012 - How to cite?

Analysis in Sensibility of a Motion Detection Algorithm for Selecting Noise Reduction Methods in X-ray Image Sequences
Silva, L. S.; Rocha, F. R.; Amaral, L. B.; Carneiro, C. A.; Ferreira, F. M. F.; Peixoto, Z. M. A.

2012 - How to cite?

Connectivity Oblivious Merging of Triangulations
Silva, L. F.; Scheidegger, L. F.; Etiene, T.; Comba, J. L. D.; Nonato, L. G.; Silva, C. T.

2012 - How to cite?

A Comparison between Optimum-Path Forest and k-Nearest Neighbors Classifiers
Souza, R. M.; Lotufo, R. A.; Rittner, L.

2012 - How to cite?

Image micro-pattern analysis using Fuzzy Numbers
Vieira, R. T.; Chierici, C. E. O.; Ferraz, C. T.; Gonzaga, A.

2012 - How to cite?

Modeling the Copacabana Sidewalk Pavement
Waintraub, T.; Celes, W.

2012 - How to cite?



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