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Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 11 (SIBGRAPI)


Costa, L. F. & Camara, G.

20-23 Oct. 1998

URL do documento original:


Archivist warning

None of the works published by IEEE have been inserted in the SIBGRAPI Digital Library Archive. The 63 missing works are listed below:

Visual processing throughout the visual fielddoi
Two frontiers in morphological image analysis: differential evolution...doi
Modeling and analysing computer animationsdoi
Binary filter estimation for large windowsdoi
Levelings and morphological segmentationdoi
Three-dimensional reconstruction from a set of video cameras of...doi
Three-dimensional reconstruction and visualization of tomographic images...doi
Accuracy assessment of a photogrammetric close-range reconstruction...doi
Reconstructing a 3D model from range images using radial flow modeldoi
A technique for improvement of linear attenuation coefficient maps...doi
A unified geometric model for 3D confocal image analysis in cytologydoi
Error measures in greedy insertion simplification methodsdoi
An algorithm for intersecting and trimming parametric meshesdoi
Stroking discrete polynomial Bezier curves via point containment...doi
A constraint-based algorithm for engineering designdoi
Cache management for real time visualization of 2D data setsdoi
Virtual seismic interpretationdoi
Towards perception driven visualizationdoi
A holographic visualization system: a sequeldoi
Visualization of geological prospecting datadoi
Sonification to support visualization tasksdoi
Load balancing for distributed virtual reality systemsdoi
Image coding using irregular subsampling and Delaunay triangulationdoi
Image compression based on a multipoint Taylor series representationdoi
Directional interpolation pyramids for still image compressiondoi
A system's architecture for warping and morphing of graphical objectsdoi
Interface: a real time facial animation systemdoi
Real time video distribution using publication through a databasedoi
A general specification for scene animationdoi
Efficient asynchronous evolution of physical simulationsdoi
Space-variant representation for active object recognitiondoi
Rule-based classification procedures related to the unprecisely...doi
Evolving visual features and detectorsdoi
ECIR-an electronic circuit diagram image recognizerdoi
A graph-anisotropic approach to 3-D data segmentationdoi
A system for automatic extraction of the user-entered data from...doi
Biased clustering methods for image classificationdoi
Computer vision-based navigation for autonomous blimpsdoi
Automatic absolute orientation of scanned aerial photographsdoi
Adaptive speckle MAP filtering for SAR images using statistical clusteringdoi
Human frequency response functions of harmonic 2, 4, 8 and 16 cycle...doi
Density estimation for MR image elastic matchingdoi
Comparison of different source localization methodsdoi
An approach to physiologically meaningful distributed inverse solutions...doi
Estimating vanishing point from the angular correlation of spectral...doi
Texturing composite deformable implicit objectsdoi
On the efficacy of texture analysis for crowd monitoringdoi
Automatic feature selection for biological shape classification in /spl...doi
Comparing the influence of color spaces and metrics in content-based...doi
Towards optimal ranking metricsdoi
Image-based modeling using a two-step camera calibration methoddoi
Distortion correction for digital camerasdoi
Evaluation of three-dimensional reconstructions from arbitrary imagesdoi
Optimized block based disparity estimation in stereo systems using a...doi
A control architecture for multi-modal sensory integrationdoi
Pipeline stereo matching in binary imagesdoi
Morphological algorithms for color images based on a...doi
An extension of an algorithm for finding sequential decomposition of...doi
Translation invariant transformations of discrete random setsdoi
Morphological approach of handwritten word skew correctiondoi
Straight-line removal in boron carbide microscopic imagesdoi
Morphological image segmentation applied to video quality assessmentdoi
Bi-variate pattern spectrumdoi

Full Paper (17)

PhotoPixJ: uma plataforma para processamento digital de imagens em Java
Almeida, A. C. R.; Sol, A. A. S.; Araújo, A. A.

1998 - How to cite?
Uma metodologia para detecção de padrões em imagens de escoamento hidráulico
Rodrigues, Paulo Sergio Silva, Albuquerque, A. A.; Barbosa, M. P.

1998 - How to cite?

A technique for compensating light source direction in face recognition application
Coelho, P. S. S.; Oliveira, A. A. F.; Esperança, C.

1998 - How to cite?

Effects of the T-junction position and its spatial orientation on perceived length
Fukusima, S. S.; Mendes, A. I. F.

1998 - How to cite?

Modelagem e visualização de ambiente naturais em volume 3D
Gonzalez, E. W. C.; Gattass, M.

1998 - How to cite?

Towards a coarse real-time stereo fusion based on triple junctions
Gonzalo-Tasis, M.; Finat, J.

1998 - How to cite?

Adapting geometrical deformable models to multiple range images
Grosskopf, S.; Neugebauer, P. J.

1998 - How to cite?

Modelagem geométrica de 3-complexos celulares
Lozada, L. A. P.; Mendonça, C. F. X.

1998 - How to cite?

Metodologia automática para avaliação do volume do ventrículo esquerdo em imagens ecocardiográficas
Mini, R. A. F.; Campos, M. F. M.

1998 - How to cite?

Arquitetura de sistemas especialistas para classificação de imagens utilizando operadores morfológicos
Moraes, R. M.; Banon, G. J. F.; Sandri, S. A.

1998 - How to cite?

Geração Automática de Mapas de Disparidade em Visão Estéreo
Nogueira, F. M. A.; Tozzi, C. L.

1998 - How to cite?

Compressão de imagens usando transformada wavelet e curva Peano-Hilbert
Oliveira, L. F.; Oliveira, A. A. F.; Esperança, C.

1998 - How to cite?

Tracking left ventricular wall motion using active contour model: PR-Greedy algorithm
Pisa, I. T.; Ruiz, E. E. S.

1998 - How to cite?

An image processing technique to derive geological discontinuities in South America
Santa Rosa, A. N. C.

1998 - How to cite?

Automated classification of masses on mammography
Soares, L. M.; Conci, A.; Vianna, A. D.

1998 - How to cite?

Um dispositivo automático para obtenção da forma 3D de objetos
Souza, J. K. S.; Campos, M. F. M.

1998 - How to cite?



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