Parallelization of ARTUR algorithm using PVM | doi |
PhotoPixJ 2.0-a Java digital image processing environment | doi |
Recognition of characters in plates of private Brazilian vehicles using... | doi |
Old movie restoration using opening by surface | doi |
Towards real-time image segmentation using polynomial functions | doi |
Adaptive filters for image processing based on artificial neural networks | doi |
Morphological cursive word segmentation | doi |
Recognition of unconstrained handwritten numerals using biorthogonal spline... | doi |
Image compression via tritree decomposition | doi |
Pattern recognition and image description by suitable textural information | doi |
Reconstruction by using a wavelet representation of the algebraic Radon... | doi |
Parallelism and images: a parallelization experiment for image segmentation... | doi |
Directional images applied to axonal arborization identification | doi |
Identification and segmentation of cells in images of donated corneas... | doi |
A project for hand gesture recognition | doi |
Head motion tracking using facial image analysis applied to... | doi |
Enhancing the volumetric approach to stereo matching | doi |
A virtual endoscopic system for non-invasive bronchoscopy | doi |
Enhancing microscope biological images with DIP techniques | doi |
An object-relational database containing multimedia data | doi |
Computerized tomography image compression: FIC/spl times/WTC | doi |
Construction of multiuser virtual environments for the virtual teaching of... | doi |
On reconstructing surfaces with genus greater than zero from range images | doi |
A graphical interface to link virtual instruments through a Web browser | doi |
Pythonissa: a visual language for weather forecast preparation | doi |
A multimodal visualization framework for medical data | doi |
Planning computer modeled animation: towards an animation machine | doi |