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Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, 13 (SIBGRAPI)


Carvalho, P. C. P. & Walter, M.

17-20 Oct. 2000

Original document URL:


Archivist warning

Not all of the works published by IEEE have been inserted in the SIBGRAPI Digital Library Archive. The 27 missing works are listed below:

Parallelization of ARTUR algorithm using PVMdoi
PhotoPixJ 2.0-a Java digital image processing environmentdoi
Recognition of characters in plates of private Brazilian vehicles using...doi
Old movie restoration using opening by surfacedoi
Towards real-time image segmentation using polynomial functionsdoi
Adaptive filters for image processing based on artificial neural networksdoi
Morphological cursive word segmentationdoi
Recognition of unconstrained handwritten numerals using biorthogonal spline...doi
Image compression via tritree decompositiondoi
Pattern recognition and image description by suitable textural informationdoi
Reconstruction by using a wavelet representation of the algebraic Radon...doi
Parallelism and images: a parallelization experiment for image segmentation...doi
Directional images applied to axonal arborization identificationdoi
Identification and segmentation of cells in images of donated corneas...doi
A project for hand gesture recognitiondoi
Head motion tracking using facial image analysis applied to...doi
Enhancing the volumetric approach to stereo matchingdoi
A virtual endoscopic system for non-invasive bronchoscopydoi
Enhancing microscope biological images with DIP techniquesdoi
An object-relational database containing multimedia datadoi
Computerized tomography image compression: FIC/spl times/WTCdoi
Construction of multiuser virtual environments for the virtual teaching of...doi
On reconstructing surfaces with genus greater than zero from range imagesdoi
A graphical interface to link virtual instruments through a Web browserdoi
Pythonissa: a visual language for weather forecast preparationdoi
A multimodal visualization framework for medical datadoi
Planning computer modeled animation: towards an animation machinedoi

Full Papers (41)

Interactive visualization over the WWW
Alves, A. D.; Oliveira, M. C. F.; Minghim, R.; Nonato, L. G.

2000 - Como citar?

Improved face/spl times/non-face discrimination using Fourier descriptors through feature selection
Campos, T. E.; Feris, R. S.; Cesar Junior, R. M.

2000 - Como citar?

Minitomography scanner for agriculture based on dual-energy Compton scattering
Cruvinel, P. E.; Balogun, F. A.

2000 - Como citar?

Parallelization of filling algorithms on distributed memory machines using the point containment paradigm
Fabris, A. E.; Assis, M. M. O.; Forrest, A. R.

2000 - Como citar?

Time-critical rendering of irregular grids
Farias, R.; Mitchell, J. S. B.; Silva, C. T.; Wylie, B.

2000 - Como citar?

Tracking facial features using Gabor wavelet networks
Feris, R. S.; Cesar Junior, R. M.

2000 - Como citar?

Morphological operators for segmentation of color sequences
Flores, F. C.; Hirata Jr., R.; Barrera, J.; Lotufo, R. A.; Meyer, F.

2000 - Como citar?

Towards 3D reconstruction of endoscope images using shape from shading
Forster, C. H. Q.; Tozzi, C. L.

2000 - Como citar?

Brazilian bank check handwritten legal amount recognition
Freitas, C. O. A.; Yacoubi, A.; Flávio, B.; Sabourin, R.

2000 - Como citar?

A visual attention model for tracking regions based on color correlograms
Galdino, L. L.; Borges, D. L.

2000 - Como citar?

A boundary extraction approach based on multi-resolution methods and the T-Snakes framework
Giraldi, G. A.; Strauss, E.; Oliveira, A. A. F.

2000 - Como citar?

Image decomposition in morphological residues: an approach for image filtering and segmentation
Guimarães, S. J. F.; Leite, N. J.

2000 - Como citar?

Text segmentation by automatically designed morphological operators
Hirata, N. S. T.; Barrera, J.; Terada, R.

2000 - Como citar?

Color Image Gradients for Morphological Segmentation
Hirata Jr., R.; Flores, F. C.; Barrera, J.; Lotufo, R.; Meyer, F.

2000 - Como citar?

Stochastic texture image retrieval and similarity matching
Jung, C. R.; Scharcanski, J.

2000 - Como citar?

An off-line signature verification system using hidden Markov model and cross-validation
Justino, E. J. R.; Yacoubi, A. E.; Bortolozzi, F.; Sabourin, R.

2000 - Como citar?

Fast Euclidean distance transform using a graph-search algorithm
Lotufo, R. A.; Falcão, A. X.; Zampirolli, F. A.

2000 - Como citar?

Visualization of three-dimensional maps
Lozada, L. A. P.; Mendonça, C. X.; Stolfi, J.

2000 - Como citar?

Probabilistic intensity mapping in MRI image registration
Machado, A. M. C.; Campos, M. F. M.; Gee, J.

2000 - Como citar?

Incremental evaluation of BDD-represented set operators
Madeira, H. M. F.; Barrera, J.

2000 - Como citar?

An estimation theoretic approach to 3D image interpolation
Mascarenhas, N. D.; Souza, I. A.; Cruvinel, P. E.; Biscegli, C. I.; Rosa, R. R.

2000 - Como citar?

Image-based texture analysis for realistic image synthesis
Mayer, H.

2000 - Como citar?

Recognition of handwritten dates on bank checks using an HMM approach
Morita, M. E.; Lethelier, E.; Yacoubi, A. E.; Bortolozzi, F.; Sabourin, R.

2000 - Como citar?

Ray path categorization
Nehab, D.; Gattass, M.

2000 - Como citar?

Target search by bottom-up and top-down fuzzy information
Neves, E. M. A.; Borelli, J. E.; Gonzaga, A.

2000 - Como citar?

Methodology of automatic extraction of table-form cells
Neves, L. A. P.; Facon, J.

2000 - Como citar?

Vascular image processing
Niessen, W.

2000 - Como citar?

Robust approximation of offsets and bisectors of plane curves
Oliveira, J. B. S.; Figueiredo, L. H.

2000 - Como citar?

Handwritten digits segmentation based on structural approach
Oliveira, L. E. S.; Lethelier, E.; Bortolozzi, F.; Sabourin, R.

2000 - Como citar?

Directional analysis of images with Gabor wavelets
Rangayyan, R. M.; Ferrari, R. J.; Desautels, J. E. L.; Frère, A. F.

2000 - Como citar?

A control theory approach for real-time animation of artificial agents
Silva, F. W.; Garcia, L. M.; Farias, R. C.; Oliveira, A. A. F.

2000 - Como citar?

Multiple correspondences in stereo vision under a genetic algorithm approach
Silva, J. D. S.; Simoni, P. O.; Bharadwaj, K. K.

2000 - Como citar?

A framework for networked reactive characters
Szwarcman, D.; Feijó, B.; Costa, M.

2000 - Como citar?

Curvature and orientation estimation by neuronal structures
Tanaka, J. S.; Manoel, E. T. M.; Costa, L. F.

2000 - Como citar?

Shape from shading and intensity gradient
Torreão, J. R. A.

2000 - Como citar?

Semi-regular 4-8 refinement and box spline surfaces
Velho, L. C. P. R.

2000 - Como citar?

Variable resolution 4-k meshes
Velho, L. C. P. R.; Gomes, J.

2000 - Como citar?

Fast customization of geometric models
Walter, M.; Franco, C. G.

2000 - Como citar?

On estimating local geometric properties of intersection curves
Wu, S. T.; Aléssio, O.; Costa, S. I. R.

2000 - Como citar?

Classification of the distance transformation algorithms under the mathematical morphology approach
Zampirolli, F. A.; Lottufo, R. A.

2000 - Como citar?

Fractal color image compression
Zhaohui, L.; Liang, Z.; Soma, N. Y.

2000 - Como citar?



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