
How to Make the Citation of this Document using the INPE Standard (BibINPE Format)

BASTOS, L.; CONCI, A. Automatic Texture Segmentation Based on k-means Clustering and Co-occurrence Features. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND IMAGE PROCESSING, 20. (SIBGRAPI), 2007, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Proceedings... Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2007. On-line. IBI: <6qtX3pFwXQZG2LgkFdY/Rwwsf>. Available from: <>.

How to Make the In-Text Citation (by author/year)

... as proposed by Bastos and Conci (2007).
... may be found in the literature (BASTOS; CONCI, 2007).
