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	<metadata ReferenceType="Conference Proceedings">
		<site>sibgrapi.sid.inpe.br 802</site>
		<holdercode>{ibi 8JMKD3MGPEW34M/46T9EHH}</holdercode>
		<lastupdate>2007: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ administrator</lastupdate>
		<metadatalastupdate>2022: sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/ administrator {D 2007}</metadatalastupdate>
		<title>Detection of Generic Conic Form Parameters Using Hough Transform</title>
		<size>155 KiB</size>
		<author>Macedo, Maysa Malfiza Garcia de,</author>
		<author>Conci, Aura,</author>
		<affiliation>Universidade Federal Fluminense</affiliation>
		<affiliation>Universidade Federal Fluminense</affiliation>
		<editor>Gonçalves, Luiz,</editor>
		<editor>Wu, Shin Ting,</editor>
		<conferencename>Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 20 (SIBGRAPI)</conferencename>
		<conferencelocation>Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil</conferencelocation>
		<date>7-10 Oct. 2007</date>
		<publisher>Sociedade Brasileira de Computação</publisher>
		<publisheraddress>Porto Alegre</publisheraddress>
		<tertiarytype>Technical Poster</tertiarytype>
		<keywords>Hough Transform, conics, shape analysis, pattern recognition.</keywords>
		<abstract>Hough Transform (HT) is a method for shape extraction that uses a parameter accumulator array. Based on the analysis of generic conic equation it is possible to establish a robust approach for conic shape identification in images if some aspects are respected. This paper introduces a unique methodology to detect any conic equation parameters using the HT idea.  The basis of the formulation here presented is the use of polar coordinates to detect an open or closed form, and the parameters search sequence. In this way we can identify complex forms through of the union of several conic detections.</abstract>
		<usergroup>aconci@ic.uff.br administrator</usergroup>
		<citingitemlist>sid.inpe.br/sibgrapi/2022/ 43</citingitemlist>