
               author = "Matsumoto, Monica Mitiko Soares and Lemos, Pedro Alves and 
                         Yoneyama, Takashi and Furuie, S{\'e}rgio Shiguemi",
          affiliation = "Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos 
                         Campos, Brazil and Heart Institute (InCor), Medical School, 
                         University of S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil and Heart Institute (InCor), 
                         Medical School, University of S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil and 
                         Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos 
                         Campos, Brazil and Heart Institute (InCor), Medical School, 
                         University of S{\~a}o Paulo, Brazil",
                title = "Cardiac Phase Detection in Intravascular Ultrasound Images",
            booktitle = "Proceedings...",
                 year = "2007",
               editor = "Gon{\c{c}}alves, Luiz and Wu, Shin Ting",
         organization = "Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 20. 
            publisher = "Sociedade Brasileira de Computa{\c{c}}{\~a}o",
              address = "Porto Alegre",
             keywords = "Medical Image Processing, Intravascular Ultrasound, Signal 
                         Processing, Cardiac Phase.",
             abstract = "Image gating is a problem related to image modalities which 
                         involve quasi-periodic moving organs, such as the heart. 
                         Therefore, during intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) examination, 
                         with automatic pullback, there is cardiac movement interference. 
                         This work aims to obtain gated images based on the images 
                         themselves, so it would be possible to reconstruct 3D coronaries 
                         with temporal accuracy. From the images, we extracted signals 
                         based on average intensity (AI), and, from consecutive frames, 
                         average intensity difference (AID), crosscorrelation coefficient 
                         (CC) and a new approach using mutual information (MI). Firstly, 
                         our method was tested in simulated images, with different speckle 
                         noise level, contrast and patients characteristics. The results 
                         have shown our method was able to achieve more than 95.0% of true 
                         positives and 2.3% of false positives, for all signals. 
                         Afterwards, we tested in a real IVUS examination, with ECG as 
                         gold-standard, where there were achieved 97.4% of true positives 
                         (CC and MI), and 2.5% of false positives.",
  conference-location = "Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil",
      conference-year = "7-10 Oct. 2007",
             language = "en",
                  ibi = "6qtX3pFwXQZG2LgkFdY/Rvxyq",
                  url = "",
           targetfile = "SIBGRAPI2007_Poster_Monica_SubmissaoAgo.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "2025, Feb. 16"
