
1. Identity statement
Reference TypeConference Paper (Conference Proceedings)
Holder Codeibi 8JMKD3MGPEW34M/46T9EHH
Last Update2007: (UTC) administrator
Metadata Last Update2022: (UTC) administrator
Citation KeyMatsumotoLemoYoneFuru:2007:CaPhDe
TitleCardiac Phase Detection in Intravascular Ultrasound Images
Access Date2025, Feb. 16
Number of Files1
Size33 KiB
2. Context
Author1 Matsumoto, Monica Mitiko Soares
2 Lemos, Pedro Alves
3 Yoneyama, Takashi
4 Furuie, Sérgio Shiguemi
Affiliation1 Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), São José dos Campos, Brazil and Heart Institute (InCor), Medical School, University of São Paulo, Brazil
2 Heart Institute (InCor), Medical School, University of São Paulo, Brazil
3 Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), São José dos Campos, Brazil
4 Heart Institute (InCor), Medical School, University of São Paulo, Brazil
EditorGonçalves, Luiz
Wu, Shin Ting
Conference NameBrazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 20 (SIBGRAPI)
Conference LocationBelo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Date7-10 Oct. 2007
PublisherSociedade Brasileira de Computação
Publisher CityPorto Alegre
Book TitleProceedings
Tertiary TypeTechnical Poster
History (UTC)2008-07-17 14:09:45 :: -> administrator ::
2009-08-13 20:38:40 :: administrator -> banon ::
2010-08-28 20:02:31 :: banon -> administrator ::
2022-05-18 22:21:15 :: administrator -> :: 2007
3. Content and structure
Is the master or a copy?is the master
Content Stagecompleted
KeywordsMedical Image Processing
Intravascular Ultrasound
Signal Processing
Cardiac Phase
AbstractImage gating is a problem related to image modalities which involve quasi-periodic moving organs, such as the heart. Therefore, during intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) examination, with automatic pullback, there is cardiac movement interference. This work aims to obtain gated images based on the images themselves, so it would be possible to reconstruct 3D coronaries with temporal accuracy. From the images, we extracted signals based on average intensity (AI), and, from consecutive frames, average intensity difference (AID), crosscorrelation coefficient (CC) and a new approach using mutual information (MI). Firstly, our method was tested in simulated images, with different speckle noise level, contrast and patients characteristics. The results have shown our method was able to achieve more than 95.0% of true positives and 2.3% of false positives, for all signals. Afterwards, we tested in a real IVUS examination, with ECG as gold-standard, where there were achieved 97.4% of true positives (CC and MI), and 2.5% of false positives. > SDLA > Fonds > SIBGRAPI 2007 > Cardiac Phase Detection...
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Target FileSIBGRAPI2007_Poster_Monica_SubmissaoAgo.pdf
5. Allied materials
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