author = "Oliveira, Lucas Ferrari and Zanchet, Bruno Atrib and Barros,
Rodrigo Coelho and Sim{\~o}es, Marcus V{\'{\i}}nicius",
affiliation = "Departamento de Inform{\'a}tica, Universidade Federal de Pelotas
- UFPel and Departamento de Inform{\'a}tica, Universidade Federal
de Pelotas - UFPel and Departamento de Inform{\'a}tica,
Universidade Federal de Pelotas - UFPel and {Divis{\~a}o de
Cardiologia - Hospital das Cl{\'{\i}}nicas da Faculdade de
Medicina de Ribeir{\~a}o Preto - USP}",
title = "A New Approach for Creating Polar Maps of Three-Dimensional
Cardiac Perfusion Images",
booktitle = "Proceedings...",
year = "2007",
editor = "Gon{\c{c}}alves, Luiz and Wu, Shin Ting",
organization = "Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 20.
publisher = "Sociedade Brasileira de Computa{\c{c}}{\~a}o",
address = "Porto Alegre",
keywords = "Polar Map, Image Registration, SPECT, Perfusion Images.",
abstract = "We present a new approach for creating polar maps of
three-dimensional cardiac perfusion images. A polar map is a
two-dimensional plot of the reconstructed volume from the SPECT
study, which provides concise information on myocardial perfusion
in a single easily interpretable image. Unlike the traditional
approaches, our algorithm is automatic. It relies on image
registration techniques to align the patient exam to a previously
computed model, avoiding the need of manual intervention by a
specialist. Preliminary analysis made by a specialist in nuclear
medicine indicates that this new approach is comparable to the
gold standard algorithm.",
conference-location = "Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil",
conference-year = "7-10 Oct. 2007",
language = "en",
ibi = "6qtX3pFwXQZG2LgkFdY/RvmrA",
url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/6qtX3pFwXQZG2LgkFdY/RvmrA",
targetfile = "33897.pdf",
urlaccessdate = "2025, Jan. 15"