author = "Craizer, Marcos and Lewiner, Thomas and Morvan, Jean-Marie",
affiliation = "{Departamento de Matematica. PUC - Rio de Janeiro} and
{Departamento de Matematica. PUC - Rio de Janeiro} and {Universite
Claude Bernard. Lyon}",
title = "Parabolic Polygons and Discrete Affine Geometry",
booktitle = "Proceedings...",
year = "2006",
editor = "Oliveira Neto, Manuel Menezes de and Carceroni, Rodrigo Lima",
organization = "Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 19.
publisher = "IEEE Computer Society",
address = "Los Alamitos",
keywords = "Affine Differential Geometry, Affine Curvature.",
abstract = "Geometry processing applications estimate the local geometry of
objects using information localized at points. They usually
consider information about the normal as a side product of the
points coordinates. This work proposes parabolic polygons as a
model for discrete curves, which intrinsically combines points and
normals. This model is naturally affine invariant, which makes it
particularly adapted to computer vision applications. This work
introduces estimators for affine length and curvature on this
discrete model and presents, as a proof-of-concept, an affine in-
variant curve reconstruction.",
conference-location = "Manaus, AM, Brazil",
conference-year = "8-11 Oct. 2006",
doi = "10.1109/SIBGRAPI.2006.32",
url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/SIBGRAPI.2006.32",
language = "en",
ibi = "6qtX3pFwXQZG2LgkFdY/LJoiq",
url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/6qtX3pFwXQZG2LgkFdY/LJoiq",
targetfile = "AffineEstimators_Sibgrapi.pdf",
urlaccessdate = "2025, Feb. 12"