
How to Make the Citation of this Document using the INPE Standard (BibINPE Format)

GUERRA, A. C.; MASCARENHAS, N. D.; CRUVINEL, P. E. Imagens tomográficas de ciência de solos: determinação da função de espalhamento pontual e desenvolvimento de técnicas de restauração. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND IMAGE PROCESSING, 10. (SIBGRAPI), 1997, Campos de Jordão, SP, Brazil. Proceedings... Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1997. The conference was held in Campos de Jordão, SP, Brazil, from October 13 to 16. IBI: <83LX3pFwXQZeBBx/gqPGg>. Available from: <>.

How to Make the In-Text Citation (by author/year)

... as proposed by Guerra, Mascarenhas and Cruvinel (1997).
... may be found in the literature (GUERRA; MASCARENHAS; CRUVINEL, 1997).
